Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pitocin is the devil!

February 24th I spent the day cleaning AGAIN... I vacuumed every square inch, I washed base boards, and moved furniture. My house was sparkling I should add. I finally finished and hoped in the tub around 7:45 pm, I knew something wasn't right so I called the hospital and explained my symptoms. The on-call Dr called back and suggested I get to the hospital ASAP. seeing as though I was dilated at 5 and 50% effaced at my last appt and Brayden was born within 45 minutes of going into labor. But Rob was at school until at least 9 as it was a wednesday... I waited for a bit and luckily he showed up a little earlier than I expected and off we went.

We arrived at SkyRidge med center around 9:30pm, I was triaged and advised I was dilated at 6 and fully effaced. I was in active labor and would not be permitted to go home without a baby in hand. We were kindly set up in a birthing suite, I got my fluids IV and waited.. pondered the tub, but nope since I have issues with seizures and migraines they wanted me in bed. Around 11pm NOTHING was happening with the contractions that were about 2-5 minutes apart, my water broke and they figured out that Avery was not faced down like she was supposed to be, she was facing my right side. With this little revelation they had to re-fill my placenta with fluid to try to get her to move... Then they made my switch sides to lay on every 10 minutes!! Around 2:30 in the morning they advised me to start a little pitocin to jump start the action and the Dr. says to me "well since you are already at 7 this should go fast".

Pitocin is the devil. Initially I was like "This isn't as bad as people say" I mean seriously I felt the contraction but to me.. they were a good hurt. After about another hour of painless pitocin... Nurse Ratchet cranked it up a notch and the FUN STOPPED THERE!! These mothers hurt so bad I was crying when I could breathe and I was CERTAIN someone was performing an organ-ectomy!! It no joke felt like someone was taking my organs out! After an hour of that nonsense I knew I was in this mess chin deep and decided to finally have my FIRST child via epidural!!

After that fun decision the Anesthesiologist came in talked it up and prepped me for a stabbing! Ugh.. Anyone that knows me... Knows this is NOT good news. Guess what? He couldn't get it in the spot he needed and ended stabbing me 6x! Only my right side was numb... BUT up to the top of my head! HA Thats what I get for being a wussy!

The time now is 6am and I feel like death warmed over and they are PHYSICALLY turning me from side to side every 10 minutes! Not missing a one!! I did not sleep or eat and I was feeling like a C-section was imminent!

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